• (91)9650721400
  •   info@skhires.in


Recruitment Services

Our scientific methodology has enabled us to determine the key parameters attributing to assertiveness, conscience, self-sufficiency, and other behavioural aspects, allowing us to be a key differentiator for mapping fitment and competencies of candidates.

Sk hires proprietary recruitment platform, Candidate Life Cycle System (CLCS), which can search and match candidates based on job description fitment. We offer the following recruitment services.


  • Mass hiring
  • Corporate hiring
  • Individual hiring
  • Executive Search
  • Executive Search
  • Lateral Hiring
  • Turnkey Assignments
  • Market Mapping

Recruitment Process Outsourcing

Our collaboration with various assessment agencies has provided us with a large pool of talent from various fields such as IT, Data Analytics, Sales & Marketing, Finance, Engineering, Backend operation, health care, hospitality, facility management, programme management, and so on.

Sk hires has designed a process-driven system to ensure quality, dependability, and sustainability of resources for the client. Some key processes are illustrated here to demonstrate the step-by-step process used by our tried and tested People for requirement mapping to ensure robust screening and a high selection ratio.